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Welcome to Laboratory of Regional Resources Reassessment, or Kamoshita lab.

【Students who consider to study with us】
4th year student in Major in Applied Biology in Department of Agriculture can choose to be supervised for their graduate research project for Bachelor of Science. The window is open for those in Major in International Sustainable Agriculture Development.


Other university’s students can contact in advance and receive a possible supervision if successful application to the entrance examination for Department of Agricultural Environmental Biology (AE-B) in Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo. 


Foreign scholars can receive supervision of the seminar and research as a research student or a graduate student if passing the entrance examination. The foreign students need to apply and belong to either Department of Agricultural Environmental Biology or International Program of Agricultural Developmental Studies (IPADS).


The academic staff covers crop physiology, morphology, genetics, agricultural ecology, agronomy, tropical agriculture, organic agriculture, sustainability sciences. The lecture and seminars are open to prompt students to consider in-depth sustainability.


Students interested in Kamoshita Lab are encouraged to read the disciplines, research interests and writings by the academic staff. The students in Kamoshita Lab in the course or department also become a member of Asian Research Center for Bioresource and Environmental Sciences (ARC-BRES), and usually have contact and interactions with other members in Nishitokyo campus. 

【Research themes】
Students can choose either (a) experimental or (b) survey approach in the research methodology. Research contents can be either (i) crop and cultivation or (ii) acceptance and assessment of innovations that would involve human perception or social aspects. If is also possible to conduct their research abroad. 


The below lists are examples of previous research by students of Kamoshita Lab. Water-saving and drought resistance improvement have been worked mainly on rice, and recently, seed production system research after abolishment of Seed Act, symbiotic relation between crop and arbuscular mycorrhiza. 


<a. experimental approach>
・elucidation of rice drought resistance ・development of water-saving cultivation in rice ・genetic and physio-morphological studies on stele in rice roots ・effects of deep placement of fertilizer and deep rooting ・improvement of N fertilizer use efficiency by using NDVI ・studies on productivity of a good tasting hybrid rice variety ・diversity of arbuscular mycorrhiza and rice production


<b. survey approach>
・designing of seed production system ・children’s perception of agriculture ・rice production improvement in Cambodia ・designing of agricultural extension model in rainfed lowland rice growing areas to cope with global warming ・improvement of rice production in Red River Delta

【research in abroad】
Thailand (2002~), Cambodia (2004~),Vietnam (2011~),India (2012~),Colombia (2014~); collaborative research for establishment of sustainable rice farming and rural development has been conducted with the researchers, technicians and farmers in the target regions (cf. The oversea trip has been restricted due to the current spreading situations of covid-19, and we manage to cope with the situations by contacting and collaborating with the oversea collaborative researchers. 

【Introduction of the academic staff】
It was during my graduate student time when I was thinking what agricultural sciences should be. In those days, LISA (least input of sustainable agriculture) in USA had been proposed, which I learned from the late professor emeritus, Ryuichi ISHII. Through my experiences and academic learnings afterward, I come to be convinced that “sustainable agriculture” should not be a catchy phrase but need to be considered in-depth and be embodied(*). In 2015, United Nation determined Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs), which is soon to be globally spreading inclusively among governments, enterprises, academics, citizens, both developed and developing countries. This is a good opportunity. I have several lectures and seminars in graduate school to discuss “sustainable agriculture” with students(**)。

The name of the laboratory is same as my predecessor’s time, Professor Keisuke Nemoto (current professor in Laboratory of Agronomy). “Sustainable development” is to succeed to next generations richness in material and spirit without degradation. Richness as “no one left behind without hunger nor mal nutrition” may not be instantly realized in the real society, but in “prosperous societies”, affordable people work for people in need.

The below attachments are associated writings by Dr Kamoshita (only in Japanese)



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